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My Time at Blue Chip Talent

Three days ago, walking into a professional workplace was a new and exciting venture for me. Not knowing what to expect from an unfamiliar experience can be nerve-wracking, however, the staff at Blue Chip Talent immediately made me feel welcome. Suzanne (Tosto), the head of the marketing department successfully explained the mission and goals of Blue Chip Talent. After playing pickup games of ping pong and witnessing random Nerf battles, it has been clear to see that Blue Chip is a unique, yet friendly organization. The office has a modern and sporty atmosphere that portrays a positive and uplifting mood. Aside from the environment, Blue Chip Talent has also taught me how a business runs and operates together for efficiency and profit. Having the ability to witness and speak with multiple departments has given me an excellent idea of how the business world works.

The first day began with an introduction to each team member, and everyone seemed to have a welcoming and friendly attitude. Shortly after, I met with Zach (Grube), the member of the marketing department responsible for Blue Chip’s social media interactions. Learning how to set posts and promotions on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook gave me a better understanding on the professional uses for social media. In the afternoon, I met with the sales department and quickly witnessed how much detailing and planning each sales call requires. Blue Chip Talent’s clientele is all kept and recorded on an applicant tracking system. This system allows anyone on the Blue Chip Talent staff to keep sales calls records consistent and organized. Near the end of the day, I helped Manny (Singh) design some flyers for next week’s celebration on diversity in the workplace.

The second day, although the busiest, was full of different tasks in preparation for Diversity week. In the morning, I helped distribute jerseys for the Dream Cruise party that Blue Chip Talent is hosting next week. Zach and Suzanne also helped me set up and organize a professional LinkedIn account. After lunch with the marketing department, I sat in on a meeting with the sales managers for a local radio station. In just one hour’s time, I learned more about advertising and new marketing techniques than any high school business class could have taught me. Listening to how two companies can benefit from each other while incorporating the newest technologies was particularly interesting. It was especially compelling to discover the behind the scenes action on how and why different advertisements that I receive daily appear. The busy day was concluded by creating spreadsheets on information about new companies interested in working with Blue Chip Talent.

The final day began with further research on new company leads. I also had the opportunity to sit down with Kyle, a recruiter, during the recruiting team's call block hour. After lunch, I learned how the company reviews their candidates’ résumés to present the information in the easiest and most organized way possible. Observing this will certainly help me with my own college résumés and future job applications.

Overall, my experience at Blue Chip Talent was nothing short of exceptional. At first, I was nervous to enter a new environment, but I could not imagine learning from a better company. I am thankful for the opportunity to discover how marketing and business runs, and I certainly feel that the experience has put me one step ahead. Thank you to everyone at Blue Chip Talent for making my short internship one I will never forget.

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